What Is Team Culture
Written by Brian B

What Is Team Culture?

What Is Team Culture

Culture cannot be a word that is just thrown around in business. Good team culture needs to be built and maintained.

What Is A Team Culture?

Put simply, team culture involves a shared approach to work based on values, beliefs and attitudes. Team culture truly showcases what is most important to a company and how it impacts their output. For example, some companies will promote a team culture in job descriptions, advertisements, training sessions and company events.

There is no doubt that culture can either make or break a company. A healthy and productive culture will foster collaboration and motivation. A toxic culture, meanwhile, can lead to numerous issues including a high turnover rate.

Why Is Team Culture Important?

Your team culture can certainly define how your company does business. It can impact relationships inside and outside the company by hiring the right people and creating successful business partnerships. Employees will especially enjoy finding identity and purpose within a solid team culture.

Here are a few of the many benefits associated with good team culture in the workplace:

Low Turnover Rate

Engaged and rewarded employees are far less likely to search for a new job. When employees feel valued within a team setting, they will stay with a company longer. This can save the company on recruiting and hiring costs.

Improved Productivity

It’s no secret that employees who care about the company they work for are oftentimes more productive. This will allow you to conduct more business while not concentrating efforts on recruiting help.


Happy, productive and collaborative teams can come together and create new ideas. Innovation is key to business and it will move your company forward in the future.

Characteristics Of A Good Team Culture

Depending on the nature of your industry, you may not need all the qualities that typically define good team culture. The first thing to focus on is building a strong foundation for your team.

Consider these key values as you continue to build a strong culture:


Teamwork starts at the top. Management needs to create and maintain a collaborative environment. Rather than competing with one another, employees should work toward a shared goal.


Again, starting from the top, all workers need to support each other when work needs to get done. Good support will help to reduce both stress and burnout.


Ensure their are clear and constant communication lines between all workers. Communication also entails that everyone have the access they need to any information necessary to performing their job.

Team Culture Vs Toxic Culture

Any company culture will stem from core values, beliefs and behaviors. Whenever leaders act inappropriately without consequences, this begins to normalize such behaviors. For example, when a higher up acts inappropriately, do employees feel safe to report the behavior? If not, this is a case of a culture of fear. This is undoubtedly considered a toxic culture.

A good team culture creates freedom for all. Employees need to feel comfortable speaking up, knowing their peers will offer support. This should be a message that is preached and actioned by management.

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Challenges In Team Building
Written by Brian B

Challenges In Team Building

Challenges In Team Building

While every manager strives to create a healthy and cohesive workplace environment, the unfortunate truth is sometimes this is not the case. Let’s look at some common challenges in team building!

Common Team Building Challenges

Even high-performing companies and organizations experience challenges in the team-building process. Common issues include poor communication, role confusion and lack of engagement. The issue for these managers is knowing how to recognize the warning signs and how to get the team back on track.

With strong leadership and guidance, your team can overcome any of these common workplace issues. Below, we’ll go over some common problems and ways you can tackle them.


A common cause of project or team failure is poor communication. A colleague that doesn’t share information or takes initiatives without anyone’s knowledge will jeopardize the entire team’s performance. Poor communication from managers tends to have the same effect – it can lead to conflict, tension and subpar results.

Effort needs to be put in communication more than ever today, especially with so many individuals still working remotely. Digital technology has made it easier to maintain open communications, so be sure to take advantage of this whenever necessary.

How To Solve This Issue:

  • Identify communication channels, responsibilities and expectations from the start.
  • Circulate written records of team meetings to all employees.
  • Utilize virtual meetings every week to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Lack Of Trust

Trust is one of the pillars of a healthy work environment, and it creates a foundation to success. Simply put, a lack of trust between team members can create an unwanted toxic environment. When this is the case, communication and collaboration become nearly impossible.

Trust is not something that simply happens, though. Trust needs to be nurtured and earned over time. These connections should happen naturally as co-workers get to know each other. It’s the management team’s responsibility to give employees the right conditions for this to occur.

How To Solve This Issue:

  • Always be willing to listen and encourage others to do the same.
  • Promote regular and open communication with the entire team.
  • Set clear roles and expectations from day one.

Role Confusion

Overlapping responsibilities tends to cause mistrust and complete chaos in the workplace. Confusion regarding specific roles can threaten the team’s overall cohesiveness and ability to function as a whole. Thankfully, it is possible to overcome this specific challenge.

How To Solve This Issue:

  • Ensure all team members have defined responsibilities and roles.
  • Managers should monitor progress, but refrain from micromanaging.
  • Every task/function needs to be explained in detail and shared with the group.

Unproductive Meetings

One common complaint from disgruntled employees is the constant time-wasting, unproductive meetings. Many staff members will become frustrated whenever their attention is diverted from more important and time-sensitive tasks.

Undoubtedly, regular meetings can serve a valuable purpose. These meetings should be used to discuss communication channels and project management. Refrain from wasting the employees’ valuable time.

How To Solve This Issue:

  • Plan in advance to make sure every meeting is necessary.
  • Record the main points of the meeting and distribute them to the team afterwards.
  • Review your meetings by asking employees for feedback.

Lack Of Engagement

Team members becoming disengaged is an all-too-common reality. The group may have become fragmented, broken down into different fractions. Bringing the team back together is much more challenging than keeping everyone together from the start. Mix things up at meetings to see if new learning activities can unite the group.

How To Solve This Issue:

  • Try some team building activities like trivia or a scavenger hunt.
  • Always include any remote workers in conversations or brainstorming exercises.
  • Go around the room and have everyone share an interesting tidbit about themselves.

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Boss Vs Leader
Written by Brian B

Boss Vs Leader

Boss Vs Leader

There are five key differences between a boss and leader. Let’s dive into those differences below!

Differences Between A Boss And Leader

Here are the main differences of a boss compared to a leader:

  • Listening.
  • Communication.
  • Inspiration.
  • Collaboration.
  • Vision.

Difference 1: Listening

While a boss may hear employees, a leader will transform. Leaders have the ability to shift the focus of the team, which leads to inspired internalized changes. This is made possible by active listening skills. Simply put, this means leaders don’t just hear when others speak, they strive to understand. Leaders will make eye contact with all employees, showing they are always present.

The ability to listen means strong leaders can successfully interpret individual’s habits, thoughts and beliefs. Leaders will undoubtedly strive for positive change within their organization. Strong leaders do something when they hear complaints. A boss simply hears a complaint, yet fails to address the issue. Leaders will use their resourcefulness to give their team everything they need to succeed.

Difference 2: Communication

A good leader knows that a message only works when an employee hears, understands and absorbs it. This can take a long time to develop, though. Leaders accomplish this by connecting in deeper, more meaningful ways than the average boss. A true connection will completely dismantle any resistance in the office relationship. The connection can completely change the subject’s physiology to be more open and honest in the workplace.

Leaders undoubtedly understand the power of language, meaning the way you use language will determine the way you and others feel. Use language as a tool to turn negativity into an empowering moment. Changing your own language can change your focus overall. Positively affecting an employee’s emotional triad will empower them for more success in the future.

Difference 3: Inspiration

A boss will dictate, while a leader will inspire. This is a huge difference between the two figureheads. If your boss happens to also be a micromanager, they will control each and every detail in the workplace. This type of boss will talk more often than they listen, giving out orders and offering up criticism. Essentially, their authority only comes from their position. This is not true leadership.

A leader’s authority will be based on inspiration, instead. Leaders believe in the core values and vision of the company. They will build trust with their team, leading to creativity, innovation and results. A leader will hold him or herself accountable, while a boss will merely hold others accountable.

Difference 4: Collaboration

Unfortunately, a micromanager will tell you more than just what to do. They will tell you what to do, how to do it and when to do it. Micromanagers are not open to new ideas or opinions. Their way is best, which can create a toxic “my way or the highway” atmosphere.

Leaders, meanwhile, encourage teamwork, collaboration and innovation. Not only are leaders open to new ideas, they actively seek them out. Leaders inspire collaboration by bringing positive energy to the office each and every day.

Difference 5: Vision

A boss seeks profits, and typically this could lead to a mentality of profits over people. Bosses are more interested in the bottom line rather than the health and happiness of their employees. By focusing on outcomes rather than the journey, essential lessons are missed along the way.

Leaders are ultimately driven by the process more than profits. This is done by creating and implementing a powerful vision. Leaders want to change the world, and can inspire their employees to feel the same way. By putting people first, profits will undoubtedly come naturally.

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How Much Does A Keynote Speaker Cost
Written by Brian B

How Much Does A Keynote Speaker Cost

How Much Does A Keynote Speaker Cost

There are many different price points for hiring keynote speakers. For example, new speakers may offer their services for free, while celebrity speakers may charge up to $100,000 per engagement, according to KeynoteSpeakers.

Average Keynote Speaker Costs

From beginner to A-list celebrity, here is a look at typical keynote speaker costs:

  • Beginner Keynote Speakers: Free.
  • Intermediate Keynote Speakers: $500-$1,500.
  • Established Keynote Speakers: $1,500-$5,000.
  • Advanced-Level Keynote Speakers: $5,000-$25,000.
  • Celebrity Keynote Speakers: $25,000-$100,000.

Contact Saletta Leadership today for more pricing information! 

Keynote Speaker Levels

Costs, of course, will vary largely based on the experience of the keynote speaker. For smaller events or conferences, it is possible to find a newer speaker for cheap or even free. Beginner speakers may simply be looking for experience at this point, which makes them a great hire for low-key events.

Hiring an intermediate speaker can cost as little as $500 per engagement. This level features speakers with more experience than beginners, yet they are still attempting to build their career resume. Established speakers are considered the true professionals of the industry. At the established level, speakers can attract more attendees and bring extra value to your event.

Advanced speakers come with a wide range of prices. These speakers have a ton of experience, likely including speaking at large events. At this level, you may be hiring a well-known author or local celebrity to speak. A-list celebrities are expensive, but can really take your event to the next level. You can expect to pay an A-list celebrity up to $100,000 per outing.

Travel Expenses

If you plan on hiring a speaker who is not local, you’ll need to pay extra for travel expenses. Besides the speaker’s fee to talk, you’ll be responsible for cover air fare and hotel accommodations. It’s not unusual for a speaker to charge more in speaking fees simply due to their time spent traveling.

Of course, the further the speaker must travel, the more his/her services will cost. Overall, for travel within the U.S., you can expect to pay anywhere from $10,000-$20,000 in travel expenses.

What Is A Keynote Speaker

Keynote Speaker Qualifications

Typically, a keynote speaker will be given instructions or talking points when hired by an event planner. Planners can have some control over the speech and topics covered by the speaker. Planners may pick a speaker who specializes in motivating or inspiring, depending on the objectives of the event.

Each keynote speaker will have their own unique style. When looking for a speaker, find one with an impressive resume, a unique delivery style and philosophies that complement the objectives.

Great keynote speakers may provide the following:

  • Considered to be an expert in their field.
  • Viewed as a credible source of information.
  • Connect with audiences.
  • Speak in an engaging and dynamic manner.
  • Have extensive experience in public speaking.
  • Employ various methods of delivery and learning styles.
  • Can work well within boundaries set by event planners.
  • Present an impressive list of professional references.
  • Possess the ability to go off-script, if needed.

How To Find A Keynote Speaker

Michael Saletta’s speaking experience spans more than 25 years with thousands of organizations.  For nearly 10 years, he spoke to 100+ companies each year.  His keynotes have included varying clients such as La-Z-Boy, Revlon, U.S. Army, Electrolux, Premier Concepts, Entrepreneur Organization, Associated Builders and Contractors, Hyundai-Kia, and numerous industry conferences.

Leadership, Sales, and Strategy are his topic specialties. Each of these may branch off into areas of performance, motivation, service and communication. Depending on your goals, he will customize my presentation using business language specific to your industry. He spends a great deal of time preparing the right stories, metaphors and models to leave the audience changed, inspired, and action-oriented.

Change your business by contacting Saletta Leadership today!


It is important to remember that your budget should reflect the overall objective of your event when it comes to hiring a speaker. If you are selling high-priced tickets for the event, it’s crucial to hire a speaker that will draw a big crowd. However, if your event is low key and targeting a smaller audience, it’s okay to hire a beginner speaker simply looking for experience.

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Sales Tips
Written by Brian B

10 Best Sales Tips

Sales Tips

Are you looking for some of the best sales tips out there? We’re here with our 10 favorite tips for the world of sales.

Tip 1. Know Everything About Your Product

It is vital for any salesperson to know everything about the product they are selling. Not only should you know everything about the product, you need to understand any problems your customers may face, as well. After all, you are truly the ambassador of the product so if you can’t explain certain issues, who else can? Understanding the purpose of each feature is necessary to sell the product to the customer.

Tip 2. Know The Customer

One of the best sales tips is to come prepared with all necessary information to turn your prospects into customers. This includes knowing as much as possible about the potential customer before even speaking with them. Being well-prepared for a meeting not only demonstrates your dedication, but it shows your care and confidence in customer interactions.

Tip 3. Sell Solutions

It’s common belief that mediocre sellers will sell features, average sellers will sell benefits, but top sellers will sell solutions. Start your pitch by talking about an existing problem the customer is having. Explain why your specific product can solve the issues they are having.

Tip 4. Always Follow Up

If there is one thing that all sales experts agree on, it’s the importance of following up with the customer. It doesn’t matter if your meeting went incredibly well and your product is superior to anything on the market. If you fail to follow up after the meeting, the sales opportunity may fade away. Follow up by either sending an email or making a quick call.

Tip 5. Know The ABC’s Of Sales

There are two main ABC’s in the sales word – Always Be Closing and Always Be Prospecting. The only way to get over a lost sale is by moving onto the next sales opportunity. The best sales people in the world are constantly making new contacts and relationships to set up potential sales.

Sales Man

Tip 6. Provide Value

Customers only want to work with people who prove to be experts and provide value in their industry. Think about the value you can provide during the sales pitch and afterwards when customers have questions/concerns.

Tip 7. Lead With Insight

Buyers want to buy from someone who can educate them and make them think/feel differently about a problem. Anyone can read about the benefits of a certain product, but it’s the sales person who can explain exactly why it is necessary for your company to use their services.

Tip 8. Use Empathy To Connect With Customers

If a customer doesn’t trust you, it’s a clear indicator that they won’t be buying from you. Don’t make a customer feel as though you are only interested in their business; make sure you show a genuine interest in them. Sales empathy is a practice used to cater your message to the specific person’s personality and unique problems they may be facing.

Tip 9. Focus On Quality

Many sales people wonder if it is better to have more customers or less. The answer will depend on several factors. More customers potentially means more sales and more money, but you may not be able to cater to their every need. This can lead to a loss of sales, ultimately. Instead, focus on acquiring more quality customers that give you consistent, stable and reliable business over time.

Tip 10. Always Be Consistent

It is crucial that each and every customer receive the same genuine sales pitch. By keeping the exact same approach, this ensures your pitches will eventually become routine and effortless. In the sales world it is true that hard work will get you the furthest.

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Executive Coaching By Saletta Leadership, LLC

Michael Saletta is known as the “Master Facilitator” in guiding companies to drive their sales and business strategy.  He is the founder and CEO of Saletta Leadership, LLC and Leadership Partners, LLC, consulting companies dedicated to developing leaders, growing sales, and aligning team performance. Change your business by contacting Saletta Leadership today!

What Does It Mean To Be A Leader?
Written by Brian B

What Does It Mean To Be A Leader?

What Does It Mean To Be A Leader?

There is no magic formula used to create great leaders, especially in the workplace. Instead, it takes a lot of time, work and dedication to become the great leader you aspire to be one day. If you are wondering what it means to be a leader, we’re here to highlight five qualities great leaders need.

Leadership Qualities

To be a great leader, you must possess these five qualities:

  1. Flexibility
  2. Courage
  3. Communication
  4. Responsibility
  5. Resilience


Flexibility is perhaps one of the most important elements when it comes to leadership. Everyone knows that not everything will go as planned, so flexibility is key for a good leader. A leader needs to be able to quickly adapt to any adverse situations that may arise. Anything can happen in the workplace – from team changes to client disputes, meaning a good leader must have a plan for every circumstance.


Courage is another important trait for a leader to possess. It is crucial for the leader of a team to stand up for what they believe in. Having the courage to do what you believe is in you and your team’s best interest can be one of the hardest things to do today. Courage will typically come with the perfect mix of patience and determination.


Being able to properly communicate with others is a fundamental yet essential skill for any leader. Communication is not about simply finding the right words to say, though. It also means being able to follow through on promises and emphasizing with your team. A good communicator needs to know how to connect with others during orders or speeches. Powerful communication skill is one of the best traits a leader can possess.


Being able to say you were wrong never comes easily. Whenever there is blame to be accepted, a good leader must be able to admit to mistakes. Responsibility can also relate to rewarding and congratulating your team for accomplishments. When a manager or boss is able to accept blame and pass on compliments, a true leader is born.


It’s no secret that being a leader can be extremely difficult. Creating a strategy, all while guiding and supporting others can seem like a juggling act. Being a leader can be exhausting on good days and overwhelming on bad days. A resilient mindset is typically a missing link for managers looking to be more effective leaders. Resilience is a key factor in dealing with challenges and creating a productive and positive work environment.

How To Develop Leadership Skills In The Workplace

How To Develop Leadership Skills

Not all of us are natural born leaders, but with practice, research and character development it is possible to grow into a leader. Whether you are just beginning your professional career, starting a new management position or even a seasoned boss, there are several strategies to implement as you transition into the best leader for your workplace.

A leader needs to show a willingness to take on as many projects as possible. Co-workers will always follow someone who leads by example. Reach out to your bosses or manager to see if there is any extra work or an additional project that you can take part in. This is not to recommend taking on more than you can currently handle; make sure you can handle your workload first. Instead, this is a recommendation to go above and beyond your job description. This is a great way to grow, professionally and personally.

A great leader needs to know how to listen to others. To lead, one must first be in the role of follower. Leadership includes the ability to yield power when appropriate. If someone is more of a creative thinker for a situation that calls for creativity, then let that person have the floor. Yielding power to best use your personnel shows true leadership and maturity.

Stepping back and letting a co-worker take control relates directly to empowering teammates. View your employees as teammates at all times, empowering them when the time is right. Empowering tends to inspire others. All good leaders must be able to inspire others in the workplace. Last but not least, always keep your eyes open and ears peeled. A key to leadership development is to always look for opportunities to grow. Never stop learning, even when you’ve reached the pinnacle of your career.

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Executive Coaching By Saletta Leadership, LLC

Michael Saletta is known as the “Master Facilitator” in guiding companies to drive their sales and business strategy.  He is the founder and CEO of Saletta Leadership, LLC and Leadership Partners, LLC, consulting companies dedicated to developing leaders, growing sales, and aligning team performance. Change your business by contacting Saletta Leadership today!

5 Communication Styles In The Workplace
Written by Brian B

5 Communication Styles In The Workplace

5 Communication Styles In The Workplace

There are five main types of communication in the workplace, yet not all of them are effective. Let’s take a look at these styles and how you can adjust them around your co-workers or employees.

1. Assertive Communication

Typically, this communication style is the most effective in the workplace. An office leader that chooses to use this style of communication tends to be confident in their convictions. These leaders will not belittle or or put others down during any sort of talks.

An assertive communicator will never resort to manipulation or try to push the buttons of any co-workers or employees. These types of communicators will instead seek consensus and compromise through active listening and transparency.

Assertive Communication Tips:

  • Stay calm, measured and positive.
  • Always speak with confidence.
  • Consider your needs as well as the needs of others.
  • Give your employees open lines of communication.
  • Ask for feedback.
  • Be ready to problem solve.

2. Aggressive Communication

Aggressive communication can often become hostile and create a toxic work environment. These individuals firmly believe that their contributions to any conversation hold more value than other’s input. Even if their message is good, it will often get lost simply due to tone.

Fellow co-workers or employees are often left feeling belittled or intimated. In any office environment, this is not a communication style that will endear someone to their colleagues.

Aggressive Communication Tips:

  • Switch your style by considering how it will make others feel and how they react to it.
  • Tweak your body language.
  • Change your point of view to help solve problems.
  • Try to streamline your communication as much as possible.

3. Manipulative Communication

Manipulative leaders rarely say what they mean. They will instead say or do anything to influence the actions of others. Control is the main thing manipulative communicators are striving for. This style is often seen as patronizing and insincere.

This style will undoubtedly lead to altercations with individual employees or even a whole team. A manipulator has a clear vision and will do anything to obtain their goal. Employees will be turned off once they realize they have been manipulated.

Manipulative Communication Tips:

  • Ask directly what you want from others.
  • Adjust your style so your employees do not resent you.
  • Refrain from engaging in any sort of emotional arguments.
  • Remain patient and calm.

4. Passive Communication

There are two ways most people would describe a passive communicator: people pleaser and submissive. This communication style is easy going and conflict-avoidant. This style is not always effective, as the communicator may not be able to accurately articulate their thoughts.

Passive communicators often end up taking a backseat to more aggressive or assertive speakers. A passive communicator will avoid conflict at all costs.

Passive Communication Tips:

  • Be confident in yourself.
  • Do not simply become a “yes man”.
  • Even though you are good at compromising, do not make everything a compromise.
  • Stay direct in conversation.

5. Passive-Aggressive Communication

As likely guessed, this communication style borrows from both passive and aggressive communicators. The passive part shows on the surface, yet aggressive boils beneath all words.

While this communicator likely seems nice and easy-going, all talks are coming from a place of resentment or anger. This communication style has been proven to be very toxic in any workplace.

Passive-Aggressive Communication Tips:

  • Figure out if you are trying to solve problems or simply lash out.
  • Approach all conversations in a positive manner.
  • Sympathize with others.
  • Try to speak as assertively as possible.

Office Manager

More Articles About Communication

Executive Coaching By Saletta Leadership, LLC

Michael Saletta is known as the “Master Facilitator” in guiding companies to drive their sales and business strategy.  He is the founder and CEO of Saletta Leadership, LLC and Leadership Partners, LLC, consulting companies dedicated to developing leaders, growing sales, and aligning team performance. Change your business by contacting Saletta Leadership today!

Executive Coaching Cost
Written by Brian B

Executive Coaching Cost

Executive Coaching Cost

On average, the services of an executive coach will cost $400 per hour. Prices can range based on a variety of factors, typically costing between $200-$600 per hour, according to ArdenCoaching.

What Is Executive Coaching?

An executive coach provides a crucial service for today’s busy professionals. By investing in this training process, a manager and/or boss can discover exactly what makes his/her entire team click in the office. The coach can help you understand relationships within the workplace, leadership tactics and how to communicate effectively.

Executive coaches can work with management one-on-one or in a group setting. The coach will come in and evaluate everything, from top to bottom, but it all starts with management. Is your leadership style tailored perfectly for your team or does it need to be adjusted? How self-aware are you? This is a crucial aspect to the office environment. A manager cannot properly lead without knowing exactly who he/she is. Self-awareness and communication are two aspects that executive coaches can critique and alter; maximizing your organization’s potential.

Let’s take a look at three different types of executive coaching below.

Leadership Coaching

Leadership coaching is a must for today’s managers. Whether you are in charge of a large organization or a small office, leadership skills always need to be refined and sharpened. As you climb the professional ladder, your skillset needs constant evaluation. What worked yesterday won’t work today. So, it’s time to adapt to your new position with updated leadership techniques. How vital is empathy and communication? An executive coach can suit a program with techniques and strategies to best fit the needs of your co-workers and employees.

Business Coaching

So, how does business coaching differ from leadership coaching? This training is more focused towards your organizational goals and achievements. Instead of diving into workplace relationships and motivational tactics, the coach will help implement support for upcoming projects and company objectives. Whether it is an end-of-year quota or budget that needs to be reached, coaches can help you strategize for success.

Career Coaching

Career coaching can be more geared toward lower-level employees, but this can also be an invaluable service for managers, as well. With a career coach, you can set forth a plan to reach your professional goals. Coaches can map out your journey to success. In addition, career coaches can help with resume writing, job searches and even offer complete job interview techniques.

Executive Coaching Cost Factors

There are three main factors that can influence the cost of an executive coach. These factors include:

  1. Executive Coaching Experience
  2. Type Of Industry
  3. Program Intensity

Lets get into details on the aforementioned factors.

Executive Coaching Experience

The first thing to look for in an executive coach is the amount of experience he or she has. Always ask potential coaches about their years of experience and what credentials they currently possess. If budgeting is more of a concern for you than experience, it is certainly possible to find a newer coach who will cost only $200 per hour. Generally, most professional experienced coaches will charge between $20,000-$30,000 for a six-month program. For large organizations seeking as much experience as possible, costs can range from $50,000-$100,000 for six months.

Type Of Industry

Most executive coaches will adjust costs based on the type of industry in need of services. In some cases, coaching rates may increase significantly depending on the industry. Typically, costs should stay between $20,000-$30,000 for a six-month program.

Program Intensity

Coaching companies will construct their programs in several different ways. Some executive coaches will charge by the hour, while others may refuse to take any short-term projects, in general. A lot of hourly charges will include assessment costs, which will inflate the bottom line. Most long-term programs will save companies money over time.

Find more information about executive coaching here.

More Articles About Motivation

Executive Coaching By Saletta Leadership, LLC

Michael Saletta is known as the “Master Facilitator” in guiding companies to drive their sales and business strategy.  He is the founder and CEO of Saletta Leadership, LLC and Leadership Partners, LLC, consulting companies dedicated to developing leaders, growing sales, and aligning team performance. Change your business by contacting Saletta Leadership today!

What Is Respect In The Workplace
Written by Brian B

How To Promote Respect In The Workplace

What Is Respect In The Workplace

In today’s workforce, more than half of all employees feel they do not receive the respect they deserve. This article will provide a few easy ways your workplace can demonstrate respect towards all employees.

What Is Respect In The Workplace?

We all know what respect is, but how can we feel it in the office? Respect is mutual; it’s something you feel when you treat someone well and you are treated well in return. This can be implemented in all aspects and levels of the workplace. While respect should always be shown at work, that isn’t always the case, unfortunately.

Everyone, from managers to employees, needs to demonstrate respect in the workplace. This will help to create a good and safe work environment for all. One helpful tip is to find certain abilities and/or characteristics that you admire or relate to in your teammates; showing respect based off that.

The problem facing many workplaces today is that leadership lacks the understanding of respect. Respect is so important in every environment, but especially in the office. Respect helps all workers to be more positive and productive while on the clock. While some bosses or co-workers can feel like family, it’s equally as important for them to feel and show respect, as well.

Ways To Show Respect In The Workplace

Here are a few strategies to implement in the office to increase respect and trust:

1. Never Exclude

Keep a close eye on any potential cliques that may be forming in the workplace. Employees tend to separate themselves based on seniority or department. In a workplace you want everyone on the same page, so try to keep cliques from forming. Cliques can create division and a lack of trust.

Many mangers opt for brief morning meetings to build better communication within the office. Show each employee exactly what every individual brings to the table. This will slowly but surely translate into more respect across the workplace. Hosting occasional events outside the office is another proven way to strengthen relationships. Whether you want to take the team out for a meal or sports game, these activities always work best when they are fun and optional.

2. Zero Tolerance For Harassment

Make this a well known policy from day one. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated at the workplace. Few things can worsen or create a toxic environment faster than harassment. The unfortunate part of this is that most of the harassment will go unreported or ignored. Any management team that allows this behavior to continue will not only create a negative environment, it could welcome any and all lawsuits at the same time.

Every employee needs to know that harassment is not tolerated and will be dealt with promptly. Consequences need to be clear and severe. Post these policies/rules throughout the office or hold occasional meetings to remind your team of what workplace etiquette is all about.

3. Always Be Transparent

Transparency is a huge part of building trust and respect. By promoting an open environment with clear communication, you earn respect as a result of demonstrating trust. Make sure all your employees know where to look and how to find valuable company information. Enhanced access to work documents makes employees feel respected.

You may be surprised at how quickly your team will bond and grow tighter over time just by being transparent. Employees who are treated with respect are more likely to pass that respect on, creating a warm, welcoming and productive environment.

4. Say The Right Things

Workplace etiquette has come a long way, especially in just the past decade. Use constructive criticism when addressing concerns. Constructive criticism is used to promote growth, but too much of it can really wear certain individuals out. While using this style, also be careful not to step over the line of micromanagement. Micromanagers send a clear sign to their employees that they are not trusted. With increased remote work nowadays, your conversations with employees may be limited. Make sure to use the valuable conversations for growth and encouragement.

Helping your employees improve is important, but never missing a chance to celebrate accomplishments is vital, too. Go out of your way to recognize individual achievements, whether they are in the workplace or at home. Set a positive example and this could lead to others’ using this style, as well.

Office Manager

More Articles About Motivation

Executive Coaching By Saletta Leadership, LLC

Michael Saletta is known as the “Master Facilitator” in guiding companies to drive their sales and business strategy.  He is the founder and CEO of Saletta Leadership, LLC and Leadership Partners, LLC, consulting companies dedicated to developing leaders, growing sales, and aligning team performance. Change your business by contacting Saletta Leadership today!

Employee Motivation Ideas
Written by Brian B

20 Great Employee Motivation Ideas

Employee Motivation Ideas

If you are looking for modern ways to motivate your employees, we have created a list of 20 great tactics right here!

1. Regularly Recognize Accomplishments

Recognition for work accomplishments has become far too rare today. Don’t make recognizing accomplishments a special occasion; make it a regular event. Whether it is a work accomplishment or something in a personal life like running a marathon, make your employees feel special. These moments will undoubtedly lift team spirit and bring people together.

2. Stay Positive

Employees will follow in the footsteps of a good boss. By that same measure, morale and attitude will flow from the top on down. Set a great example by staying positive each day, through the good times and bad.

3. Be Flexible

Here is a surprising statistic (according to flexjobs): More than 80 percent of working parents ranked flexibility as the most important part of a job. Flexibility was actually ranked as a higher priority than pay. Especially in today’s post-pandemic world, bosses need to be flexible about where and how your employees get their jobs done.

4. Set Goals

The big goals are a given. Your employees know and understand department and project goals. But, you can create a stronger work environment by setting smaller and even personal goals for team members. Whatever you choose, just make sure these goals are attainable. And, as always, celebrate these goals when they are met!

5. Give Everyone A Chance To Lead

Give everyone a chance to lead, whether it is a big or small project. This is a great way to discover natural leaders and find out how well your employees can work as a group.

6. Open Lines Of Communication

Any barriers between management and employees should be removed. Instill an open door policy from here on out. Availability is one of the most important traits a leader can possess.

7. Transparency And Honesty

Be honest at all times. Honesty can hurt occasionally, but there is an undeniable value in it. It is extremely hard to work for an organization that you don’t trust or is guilty of constant sugarcoating.

Boss Motivates Employees

8. Demonstrate Trust

People who micromanage are not demonstrating trust in any way. If you give employees a task, give them the freedom and trust they deserve with the project.

9. Support New Ideas

You are certainly not the only one in the office with innovative ideas. Let your employees shine by putting together brainstorming sessions. Support the new and sometimes wacky ideas your employees pitch. Companies can always benefit from simply beta testing new ideas.

10. Pay Well

All of the other employee motivation tactics may work, but they fall flat in the end if your team is not being compensated properly. Pay them as much as you can. Employees also love the simple joy of never having to deal with a payroll error.

11. Embrace Individuality

This is all about respecting an individual’s personality and ideals. If your open workplace is tough for an introvert, don’t try to break them out of their shell. Instead, embrace their space and let them flourish in their comfort zone.

12. Emphasize Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a work-life balance is so important. Keeping a balance will help an individual succeed in both work and personal life. Make sure your employees take breaks and refrain from sending them emails after work hours.

13. Let Them Rest

This goes hand in hand with work-life balance. Give them breaks and check to see if they are actually taking advantage of break time. Offer long weekends or tack on an extra off-day during holiday seasons.

14. Start Work Traditions

You will be surprised at how much this can help employee motivation. Give them something to look forward to each day outside of their regular workload. Make up new traditions that are exclusive to your office.

15. Ask For Employee Feedback

Encourage feedback from your team by providing rewards for their participation. After all, you have been transparent and honest so they should follow by your example.


16. Avoid Downtime

A lot of people find routine comfortable, but it is also a breeding ground for boredom. Don’t let your employees get bored, leaving their minds to wonder. Spice things up every now and then. Change seating arrangements, office furniture or call in the food trucks. Keep your team engaged.

17. Offer Bonuses

Bonuses and promotions will motivate unlike anything else. Reward employees financially for their loyalty and hard work. Find a way to create advancement and bonus opportunities for positions that seem difficult to move up from.

18. Provide Development Training

Everyone can benefit from more training. You can make this further training on one’s current job or something else. Do this during work time, as it will help break up routines and give employees something unique to look forward to.

19. Celebrate Milestones

Come up with a rewards system, but again, make sure these rewards are attainable. Make it easy for your team to collect small rewards on their road to the bigger ones. Celebrate these milestones whenever you get the chance.

20. Reward Employees

Ask your employees for rewards opportunities. See what each individual wants and come up with a fun idea from there. If the majority of the team thinks a Friday off is the best reward, go with that. Or maybe a fun group bonding excursion is the way to go.

More Articles About Motivation

Executive Coaching By Saletta Leadership, LLC

Michael Saletta is known as the “Master Facilitator” in guiding companies to drive their sales and business strategy.  He is the founder and CEO of Saletta Leadership, LLC and Leadership Partners, LLC, consulting companies dedicated to developing leaders, growing sales, and aligning team performance. Change your business by contacting Saletta Leadership today!

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