How To Deal With Difficult Coworkers
Written by webtechs

How To Deal With Difficult Coworkers

How To Deal With Difficult Coworkers

Knowing how to deal with an especially difficult co-worker is an important life skill. Learning how to best manage conflicts can help everyone maintain healthy relationships at work. Use our 10 tips below to deal with your co-worker.

1. Understand Their Perspective

Getting to know your co-worker’s perspective can sometimes make it easier to get along with them. You may start to realize how their background and past experiences have shaped their behavior.

2. Learn To Voice Your Thoughts

It may be time to confront the situation if your co-worker is making your day unbearable. Opt for “I” language instead of “You.” This will help your co-worker to better understand where you are coming from.

3. Focus On Your Positive Relationships

Shift your focus and passion to co-workers that you enjoy being around rather than dwelling on one co-worker. Go above and beyond to create positive relationships with others in the office. It never hurts to get to know a co-worker outside of work.

4. Stay Neutral

If other individuals happen to be talking about your co-worker, try to keep your feelings to yourself. Remaining neutral helps to maintain a positive work environment. If you need to discuss your co-worker, do it outside of work with a friend or family member.

5. Limit Your Interactions

This may be difficult to do, especially in a small office, but limiting the amount of time spent around this co-worker will help. Stay by your co-workers that you enjoy spending time with as much as you can throughout the day. It may be a lot easier to deal with your co-worker in small doses.

6. Know Your Triggers

Knowing your exact triggers can help you mentally prepare and stay calm in the office. Focus your energy on things that truly matter, and don’t hesitate to remove yourself from any uncomfortable situation.

7. Discuss The Issues With Your Supervisor

If this co-worker breaks a company policy or negatively impacts your work, it’s time to speak with human resources or your supervisor. Document your co-worker’s actions to provide proof, if needed. HR or your supervisor should devise a plan to help resolve any conflicts in the workplace.

8. Accept Their Personality

It’s possible your co-worker is doing nothing wrong and you simply dislike their personality. Learn to accept the fact that you need to get along with this person and it will benefit you both personally and professionally. Try to find some small things that you enjoy about their personality.

9. Show Compassion

Everyone is dealing with their own things in the office or at home, which could ultimately explain your co-worker’s actions. Always try to show compassion and empathy as you get to know your co-worker over time. It’s possible you would act the same way if you were in their situation.

10. Reflect On Your Own Faults

Think about the way you act toward your co-worker. You might discover that you both have developed a sort of feedback loop of behaviors. Try to be the individual who breaks this seemingly endless loop. Treating your co-worker with kindness could help change his or her behavior, as well.

Office Workers

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5 Communication Styles In The Workplace
Written by Brian B

5 Communication Styles In The Workplace

5 Communication Styles In The Workplace

There are five main types of communication in the workplace, yet not all of them are effective. Let’s take a look at these styles and how you can adjust them around your co-workers or employees.

1. Assertive Communication

Typically, this communication style is the most effective in the workplace. An office leader that chooses to use this style of communication tends to be confident in their convictions. These leaders will not belittle or or put others down during any sort of talks.

An assertive communicator will never resort to manipulation or try to push the buttons of any co-workers or employees. These types of communicators will instead seek consensus and compromise through active listening and transparency.

Assertive Communication Tips:

  • Stay calm, measured and positive.
  • Always speak with confidence.
  • Consider your needs as well as the needs of others.
  • Give your employees open lines of communication.
  • Ask for feedback.
  • Be ready to problem solve.

2. Aggressive Communication

Aggressive communication can often become hostile and create a toxic work environment. These individuals firmly believe that their contributions to any conversation hold more value than other’s input. Even if their message is good, it will often get lost simply due to tone.

Fellow co-workers or employees are often left feeling belittled or intimated. In any office environment, this is not a communication style that will endear someone to their colleagues.

Aggressive Communication Tips:

  • Switch your style by considering how it will make others feel and how they react to it.
  • Tweak your body language.
  • Change your point of view to help solve problems.
  • Try to streamline your communication as much as possible.

3. Manipulative Communication

Manipulative leaders rarely say what they mean. They will instead say or do anything to influence the actions of others. Control is the main thing manipulative communicators are striving for. This style is often seen as patronizing and insincere.

This style will undoubtedly lead to altercations with individual employees or even a whole team. A manipulator has a clear vision and will do anything to obtain their goal. Employees will be turned off once they realize they have been manipulated.

Manipulative Communication Tips:

  • Ask directly what you want from others.
  • Adjust your style so your employees do not resent you.
  • Refrain from engaging in any sort of emotional arguments.
  • Remain patient and calm.

4. Passive Communication

There are two ways most people would describe a passive communicator: people pleaser and submissive. This communication style is easy going and conflict-avoidant. This style is not always effective, as the communicator may not be able to accurately articulate their thoughts.

Passive communicators often end up taking a backseat to more aggressive or assertive speakers. A passive communicator will avoid conflict at all costs.

Passive Communication Tips:

  • Be confident in yourself.
  • Do not simply become a “yes man”.
  • Even though you are good at compromising, do not make everything a compromise.
  • Stay direct in conversation.

5. Passive-Aggressive Communication

As likely guessed, this communication style borrows from both passive and aggressive communicators. The passive part shows on the surface, yet aggressive boils beneath all words.

While this communicator likely seems nice and easy-going, all talks are coming from a place of resentment or anger. This communication style has been proven to be very toxic in any workplace.

Passive-Aggressive Communication Tips:

  • Figure out if you are trying to solve problems or simply lash out.
  • Approach all conversations in a positive manner.
  • Sympathize with others.
  • Try to speak as assertively as possible.

Office Manager

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Executive Coaching By Saletta Leadership, LLC

Michael Saletta is known as the “Master Facilitator” in guiding companies to drive their sales and business strategy.  He is the founder and CEO of Saletta Leadership, LLC and Leadership Partners, LLC, consulting companies dedicated to developing leaders, growing sales, and aligning team performance. Change your business by contacting Saletta Leadership today!

Communication Is Key
Written by webtechs

Communication Is Key

Communication Is Key

Imagine a football team attempting to score a touchdown blindfolded.  Or driving from L.A. to N.Y. with no map, compass, or GPS.  You may eventually end up in the right place… but not without added chaos and inefficiency.

I dare you to ask 10 people in your business what your company’s top goals and business priorities are.  You will most likely get 10 different answers.

Now ask several individuals, what your company’s core strategy is.  I’m sure most will look dazed and confused.  So how can you expect high performance when everyone is unclear of the goals and clueless about strategy?  Well frankly, you can’t!

Effective Communication

It’s common practice for management to point the finger at an employee, or even an entire department, for not communicating.  It’s also tempting to scold team members for their lack of accountability.  Step back. Take a look at the big picture. Where must communication and accountability begin?

Whether you have 2 employees or 10,000… you must start with providing the fundamental direction of your business.  You can help employees prioritize their time, execute their roles, and follow through on responsibilities, by providing the “what’s, how’s and why’s” of business.  Take the time to ensure everyone is aware of, and aligned with, your company’s goals.   Define your business strategy and give all team members a clear map to follow.  The truth is, a clear, focused direction will profoundly impact performance. Good leadership begins with opening everyone’s eyes.

Saletta Leadership, LLC

Michael Saletta is known as the “Master Facilitator” in guiding companies to drive their sales and business strategy.  He is the founder and CEO of Saletta Leadership, LLC and Leadership Partners, LLC, consulting companies dedicated to developing leaders, growing sales, and aligning team performance. Change your business by contacting Saletta Leadership today!

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