What Is Team Culture
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How To Build Team Culture

What Is Team Culture

Good team culture needs to be built and maintained for any workplace to be successful. So, how can you build the right team culture?

What Is Team Culture?

Put simply, team culture involves a shared approach to work based on values, beliefs and attitudes. Team culture truly showcases what is most important to a company and how it impacts their output. For example, some companies will promote a team culture in job descriptions, advertisements, training sessions and company events.

There is no doubt that culture can either make or break a company. A healthy and productive culture will foster collaboration and motivation. A toxic culture, meanwhile, can lead to numerous issues including a high turnover rate.

How To Build A Team Culture

Your team culture can certainly define how your company does business. It can impact relationships inside and outside the company by hiring the right people and creating successful business partnerships. Employees will especially enjoy finding identity and purpose within a solid team culture.

Here are a few of the many benefits associated with good team culture in the workplace:

Low Turnover Rate

Engaged and rewarded employees are far less likely to search for a new job. When employees feel valued within a team setting, they will stay with a company longer. This can save the company on recruiting and hiring costs.

Improved Productivity

It’s no secret that employees who care about the company they work for are oftentimes more productive. This will allow you to conduct more business while not concentrating efforts on recruiting help.


Happy, productive and collaborative teams can come together and create new ideas. Innovation is key to business and it will move your company forward in the future.


Teamwork starts at the top. Management needs to create and maintain a collaborative environment. Rather than competing with one another, employees should work toward a shared goal.


Again, starting from the top, all workers need to support each other when work needs to get done. Good support will help to reduce both stress and burnout.


Ensure their are clear and constant communication lines between all workers. Communication also entails that everyone have the access they need to any information necessary to performing their job.

Challenges In Team Building

Common Team Building Challenges

Even high-performing companies and organizations experience challenges in the team-building process. Common issues include poor communication, role confusion and lack of engagement. The issue for these managers is knowing how to recognize the warning signs and how to get the team back on track.

With strong leadership and guidance, your team can overcome any of these common workplace issues. Below, we’ll go over some common problems and ways you can tackle them.

Lack Of Trust

Trust is one of the pillars of a healthy work environment, and it creates a foundation to success. Simply put, a lack of trust between team members can create an unwanted toxic environment. When this is the case, communication and collaboration become nearly impossible.

Trust is not something that simply happens, though. Trust needs to be nurtured and earned over time. These connections should happen naturally as co-workers get to know each other. It’s the management team’s responsibility to give employees the right conditions for this to occur.

How To Solve This Issue:

  • Always be willing to listen and encourage others to do the same.
  • Promote regular and open communication with the entire team.
  • Set clear roles and expectations from day one.

Role Confusion

Overlapping responsibilities tends to cause mistrust and complete chaos in the workplace. Confusion regarding specific roles can threaten the team’s overall cohesiveness and ability to function as a whole. Thankfully, it is possible to overcome this specific challenge.

How To Solve This Issue:

  • Ensure all team members have defined responsibilities and roles.
  • Managers should monitor progress, but refrain from micromanaging.
  • Every task/function needs to be explained in detail and shared with the group.

Unproductive Meetings

One common complaint from disgruntled employees is the constant time-wasting, unproductive meetings. Many staff members will become frustrated whenever their attention is diverted from more important and time-sensitive tasks.

Undoubtedly, regular meetings can serve a valuable purpose. These meetings should be used to discuss communication channels and project management. Refrain from wasting the employees’ valuable time.

How To Solve This Issue:

  • Plan in advance to make sure every meeting is necessary.
  • Record the main points of the meeting and distribute them to the team afterwards.
  • Review your meetings by asking employees for feedback.

Lack Of Engagement

Team members becoming disengaged is an all-too-common reality. The group may have become fragmented, broken down into different fractions. Bringing the team back together is much more challenging than keeping everyone together from the start. Mix things up at meetings to see if new learning activities can unite the group.

How To Solve This Issue:

  • Try some team building activities like trivia or a scavenger hunt.
  • Always include any remote workers in conversations or brainstorming exercises.
  • Go around the room and have everyone share an interesting tidbit about themselves.

More Articles About Team Culture

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Workplace Conflict Resolution

Workplace Conflict Resolutions

It’s a fact of business life. Disagreements, conflicts, and honest differences are present everywhere. For small business owners and the like, the key is this: By dealing with conflicts as motivations for increasing productivity and energy, you can make them change from negatives to positives.

Below are five ways to make workplace conflicts effectual:

People are ready to argue, be opinionated, or complain. Your employees are no different. Keep reading for more information.

  1. Break the ice first

A lot of people are ready to argue, debate, or complain at the start of any conflict. They have come up with their best arguments and are prepared to hash it out – typically without giving the issue any careful thought.

Try to avoid dealing with the topic of the altercation sooner than later. That can get people stuck on their position. What you need is an approach to open a conversation concerning a difficult matter in a non-threatening manner. An icebreaker in this situation is not idle conversation, but a streamlined transition.

For instance, the perfect opener could ask for an individual’s own take on issues both work-associated and positive. For instance, when the conflict includes two employees working on the same project, ask both how they contributed and what they expected to accomplish.

  1. Don’t plainly try to mediate.

A lot of business owners attempt to be unbiased 3rd party mediators when workplace conflicts arise, whereas that is not their role. Your role is to the interests of the business and others that work there, and you require a combination of skills, structure, and competence to express (and enforce) your own view on how things should be run. After all, you are the boss.

  1. Listen more and talk less.

Occasionally what you don’t say is more vital than what you do. Good results come from listening attentively to others. This sends an encouraging message that you are truly concerned. And a better way to understand what’s really happening. For getting this going, try asking an open-ended question. Then listen attentively to that person’s view of things. Immediately re-establish yourself into the talks if it becomes negative.

  1. Use positive language and encourage others to do the same.

Any annoyed business owner knows how easy it can be to lapse into negativity after a conflict arises. Always think prior to speaking. Don’t’ forget, it’s a discussion, not a trial. When keeping the language positive, whomever you’re speaking to is going to likely mirror you.

Even the needs of business can be expressed in positive ways, which is going to lead to a better overall tone.  For instance, you could say, “This is impacting the entire business, and we should address it so we can get everybody focused and back on our goals.”  When keeping things positive, you can work toward ideal solutions productively and effectively.

  1. Strive for SMART solutions:

Your goal is not only to alleviate a situation in the near future, but also to come up with a justifiable solution to the problem. That is where the SMART ideology comes in. The meaning of SMART is as follows:

  • Specific: Be straightforward concerning who is going to accomplish what, when, where and how.
  • Measurable: Establish a way to give notice that something has been accomplished, attained, or completed.
  • Achievable: The solution should fit the situation and be feasible for the employees involved. Don’t set anyone up for failure.
  • Realistic: Verify with calendars for holidays and vacations; examine previous performance to anticipate future actions and allow time for complications and stoppages.
  • Timed: Set sensible deadlines and time frames and offer required tools and support to fulfill those targets.

Put the SMART solutions in writing to keep employees’ recollections in line with what everybody agreed to.

Leadership Consulting By Saletta Leadership, LLC

Michael Saletta is known as the “Master Facilitator” in guiding companies to drive their sales and business strategy.  He is the founder and CEO of Saletta Leadership, LLC and Leadership Partners, LLC, consulting companies dedicated to developing leaders, growing sales, and aligning team performance. Change your business by contacting Saletta Leadership today!

How To Deal With Difficult Coworkers
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How To Deal With Difficult Coworkers

How To Deal With Difficult Coworkers

Knowing how to deal with an especially difficult co-worker is an important life skill. Learning how to best manage conflicts can help everyone maintain healthy relationships at work. Use our 10 tips below to deal with your co-worker.

1. Understand Their Perspective

Getting to know your co-worker’s perspective can sometimes make it easier to get along with them. You may start to realize how their background and past experiences have shaped their behavior.

2. Learn To Voice Your Thoughts

It may be time to confront the situation if your co-worker is making your day unbearable. Opt for “I” language instead of “You.” This will help your co-worker to better understand where you are coming from.

3. Focus On Your Positive Relationships

Shift your focus and passion to co-workers that you enjoy being around rather than dwelling on one co-worker. Go above and beyond to create positive relationships with others in the office. It never hurts to get to know a co-worker outside of work.

4. Stay Neutral

If other individuals happen to be talking about your co-worker, try to keep your feelings to yourself. Remaining neutral helps to maintain a positive work environment. If you need to discuss your co-worker, do it outside of work with a friend or family member.

5. Limit Your Interactions

This may be difficult to do, especially in a small office, but limiting the amount of time spent around this co-worker will help. Stay by your co-workers that you enjoy spending time with as much as you can throughout the day. It may be a lot easier to deal with your co-worker in small doses.

6. Know Your Triggers

Knowing your exact triggers can help you mentally prepare and stay calm in the office. Focus your energy on things that truly matter, and don’t hesitate to remove yourself from any uncomfortable situation.

7. Discuss The Issues With Your Supervisor

If this co-worker breaks a company policy or negatively impacts your work, it’s time to speak with human resources or your supervisor. Document your co-worker’s actions to provide proof, if needed. HR or your supervisor should devise a plan to help resolve any conflicts in the workplace.

8. Accept Their Personality

It’s possible your co-worker is doing nothing wrong and you simply dislike their personality. Learn to accept the fact that you need to get along with this person and it will benefit you both personally and professionally. Try to find some small things that you enjoy about their personality.

9. Show Compassion

Everyone is dealing with their own things in the office or at home, which could ultimately explain your co-worker’s actions. Always try to show compassion and empathy as you get to know your co-worker over time. It’s possible you would act the same way if you were in their situation.

10. Reflect On Your Own Faults

Think about the way you act toward your co-worker. You might discover that you both have developed a sort of feedback loop of behaviors. Try to be the individual who breaks this seemingly endless loop. Treating your co-worker with kindness could help change his or her behavior, as well.

Office Workers

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Why Is HR So Important?

Why is HR so Important?

It can be easily overlooked as human resources (HR) in a small business enterprise. Many business owners get their businesses off to a running start but struggle with people management as the business begins to flourish.

What Exactly is HR?

Human resources is the generic phrase used to describe the management and growth of employees in an organization. In the end, it’s all about increasing the performance of employees.

Historically, HR centered on hiring, firing and the traditional yearly pay review. But in recent years HR has been positively refocused and now involves a much broader remit.

Beyond that, HR plays a considerable role in creating positive business culture and increasing employee involvement and productivity. The HR duty also establishes employee wellbeing and personal growth.

Why Is Human Resources (HR) So Important?

It can be easily overlooked as human resources (HR) in a small business enterprise. Many business owners get their businesses off to a running start but struggle with people management as the business begins to flourish.

Managing employees takes time and it necessitates specific skills. HR is an area of proficiency a lot of business owners are without.

In spite of skills, the importance of HR in business is not always instantly apparent. With just a couple of employees, business managers feel like they have their eye on the prize when it comes to the people they are potentially going to hire and manage.

But as businesses grow, managers often find there simply isn’t enough time to deal with daily people management and recruiting and the concentration on people can easily go wayside. This is a costly mistake and can impact employee happiness, culture, and continuing success.

Consider the repercussions of inadequate HR. When employees don’t feel backed, are not being provided with opportunities, work long hours, etc., their incentive to perform is affected.

Under-deliver on productive HR and you’ll see a contagion effect on your bottom line. People, culture, and business successes go together.

Repute as an employer is significant in attracting talent. It also effects on customers.

Take Uber for instance; troubled by a series of HR disasters from sexual misconduct cases to disregarding employee complaints, the resulting bad publicity has unquestionably discouraged many from working for them or from utilizing their ride-sharing services. Horrible HR has ruined Uber’s employer brand.

Your people are your greatest asset. Treating your employees fairly and providing them with chances to grow is going to help you realize your ideas and hit your business objectives. This is something that HR is well-positioned to assist with.

In Conclusion

Employing a committed human resources professional isn’t an indulgence for small business enterprises, it’s vital. It’s not uncommon for business owners to begin their business wearing the HR hat but overseeing HR and the intricacies of employment law isn’t productive time management, and it’s expensive for the business should something go wrong.

Outsourcing your HR requirements or hiring a parttime HR manager, lets business owners focus on developing their business. Having someone looking after employee-related issues, from absence supervision through to parental leave guidelines and beyond, is going to keep your business compliant and your employees more involved.

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Executive Coaching By Saletta Leadership, LLC

Michael Saletta is known as the “Master Facilitator” in guiding companies to drive their sales and business strategy.  He is the founder and CEO of Saletta Leadership, LLC and Leadership Partners, LLC, consulting companies dedicated to developing leaders, growing sales, and aligning team performance. Change your business by contacting Saletta Leadership today!

What Is A Keynote Speaker
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What Is A Keynote Speaker

What Is A Keynote Speaker

A great keynote speaker has the potential to either make or break an event. So, what exactly is a keynote speaker and how do you find the right speaker for your company’s needs?

What Is A Keynote Speaker?

A keynote speaker is defined as the primary speaker at an event. Many people are already familiar with keynote speakers and addresses made during graduations or other celebratory ceremonies. Event planners, though, will commonly seek the services of keynote speakers for conferences, company retreats or other large outings. The keynote speaker must, of course, be an expert in the related field. Consider the keynote speaker the headliner of the event.

What Are The Responsibilities Of A Keynote Speaker?

The keynote speaker has numerous responsibilities. In addition to speaking and inspiring, the speaker may also be responsible for encompassing the event’s theme. The keynote speaker is there to energize everyone in the crowd. If, for example, the speaker talks at the start of the event, it is his/her job to dictate the desired spirit and overall structure of the event. Although a keynote speaker is usually the main attraction, it is not unheard of to have the speaker essentially set the tone for what’s to come.

Typically, a keynote speaker will be given instructions or talking points when hired by an event planner. Planners can have some control over the speech and topics covered by the speaker. Planners may pick a speaker who specializes in motivating or inspiring, depending on the objectives of the event.

Keynote Speaker Qualifications

Each keynote speaker will have their own unique style. When looking for a speaker, find one with an impressive resume, a unique delivery style and philosophies that complement the objectives.

Great keynote speakers may provide the following:

  • Considered to be an expert in their field.
  • Viewed as a credible source of information.
  • Connect with audiences.
  • Speak in an engaging and dynamic manner.
  • Have extensive experience in public speaking.
  • Employ various methods of delivery and learning styles.
  • Can work well within boundaries set by event planners.
  • Present an impressive list of professional references.
  • Possess the ability to go off-script, if needed.

What Makes A Good Keynote Speech?

A good speech allows audience members to take home a new world of understanding and thought. A keynote speaker should ensure that guests can find solutions and arrive at conclusions. Audiences should walk away from the speech with motivation and a widened outlook.

The best keynote speakers will draw back on a wide base of knowledge and expertise in a related area. This unique perspective can help build or change your company’s culture. A great keynote speaker offers unparalleled authenticity, leaving an audience with passion, drive, determination and motivation.

How To Find A Keynote Speaker

Michael Saletta’s speaking experience spans more than 25 years with thousands of organizations.  For nearly 10 years, he spoke to 100+ companies each year.  His keynotes have included varying clients such as La-Z-Boy, Revlon, U.S. Army, Electrolux, Premier Concepts, Entrepreneur Organization, Associated Builders and Contractors, Hyundai-Kia, and numerous industry conferences.

Leadership, Sales, and Strategy are his topic specialties. Each of these may branch off into areas of performance, motivation, service and communication. Depending on your goals, he will customize my presentation using business language specific to your industry. He spends a great deal of time preparing the right stories, metaphors and models to leave the audience changed, inspired, and action-oriented.

Change your business by contacting Saletta Leadership today!

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How To Develop Leadership Skills In The Workplace
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How To Develop Leadership Skills In The Workplace

How To Develop Leadership Skills In The Workplace

A huge part of career development is learning how to interact with others in the workplace, and eventually taking on a leadership role. But, how does one go about developing these skills throughout their career? If you are searching online with the inquiry of “how to develop leadership skills in the workplace,” then this post is for you!

Qualities Of A Good Leader

Not all of us are natural born leaders, but with practice, research and character development it is possible to grow into a leader. Whether you are just beginning your professional career, starting a new management position or even a seasoned boss, there are several strategies to implement as you transition into the best leader for your workplace.

A leader needs to show a willingness to take on as many projects as possible. Co-workers will always follow someone who leads by example. Reach out to your bosses or manager to see if there is any extra work or an additional project that you can take part in. This is not to recommend taking on more than you can currently handle; make sure you can handle your workload first. Instead, this is a recommendation to go above and beyond your job description. This is a great way to grow, professionally and personally.

A great leader needs to know how to listen to others. To lead, one must first be in the role of follower. Leadership includes the ability to yield power when appropriate. If someone is more of a creative thinker for a situation that calls for creativity, then let that person have the floor. Yielding power to best use your personnel shows true leadership and maturity.

Empower Others

Stepping back and letting a co-worker take control relates directly to empowering teammates. View your employees as teammates at all times, empowering them when the time is right. Empowering tends to inspire others. All good leaders must be able to inspire others in the workplace. Last but not least, always keep your eyes open and ears peeled. A key to leadership development is to always look for opportunities to grow. Never stop learning, even when you’ve reached the pinnacle of your career.

Developing situational awareness will help to empower others. This can be done by a leader who recognizes an issue and sees the big picture. By developing awareness, a good leader will anticipate problems and have solutions ready. This ability will certainly come in handy when working with a group or under a deadline. You may be able to spot opportunities for individuals that most managers or bosses would generally overlook.

Co-Workers In The Office

Leadership Skills

Here is a quick list of qualities that aspiring leaders should possess:


Managers or bosses simply in their current roles to move on and up in a short period of time will do little to inspire the confidence of their employees. Great leaders stick around for the long term, through good times and bad. Commitment never goes unnoticed by fellow employees or workers. Good managers are committed to making their current role as meaningful as possible. By committing time and effort over a long period of time, good leaders are demonstrating their worth simply by their body of work.


Explaining a task or goal to your team, then just leaving it up to them is okay, but there is certainly a better way to get your team excited on the job. A good leader will leave no doubt that you understand the objectives set in place. Walk your team through a project step-by-step, fielding any questions along the way. Passion is a building block towards success, and passion can definitely become contagious when the right culture is developed.

Communication Skills

All of these tips and skills are rendered moot if the manager is not a good communicator. Good communication skills are possibly the first attribute a good leader must acquire. Knowing how to speak with employees of all different levels and needs is crucial for success. Goals and objectives are the easy parts. Effectively guiding your employees to the goals is where the real work begins.


Bosses command and leaders influence is a common belief. Many believe a leader’s authority stems directly from his or her ability to influence others. A boss offers rules, while a leader encourages workers to think for themselves and utilized creativity when possible. Good leaders tend to grow their influence by practicing encouragement, optimism, and of course, honing some exceptional communication skills.

To read more about necessary leadership skills in the workplace click here.

Leader In The Office

Differences Between A Leader And A Manager

Leaders Inspire Others

Leaders are known and generally revered for their abilities to drive people and praise successes. Management differs in the way they operate a business and utilize workers, though. A manager will work to find faults and flaws with workflow and communication. A leader will paint a clear picture of their vision for the company and/or a particular project. Leaders embrace teamwork, knowing a collaborative effort will almost always outduel the efforts of an individual. Managers have a tendency to try to control all situations, which doesn’t give the staff a true chance to fly on their own.

Different Workplace Traits

Managers and leaders will possess different traits in the workplace. A manager is more focused on the task at hand, and when to get there rather than how to get there. Managers are deadline and results-driven people, fueled by the success of a business; not so much the success of people. These people will have an uncanny ability to execute a vision or a company goal. They can build a map towards success, with each tiny detail included. Managers are direct and focused, which, of course, are certainly good traits to possess. Sometimes, though, being direct with workers instead of taking the time to relate to them better can backfire and lead to a lack of motivation or understanding.

Being direct and focused is important, but leaders will take the time to create a vision that includes each member of the team. Leaders will help chart a path towards success, enabling as many people as possible along the way. Leaders need to always remain honest. Honesty inspires others and it builds trust faster than anything else. Last but not least, a good leader is not afraid to challenge others; it’s what good leaders do. Leaders think outside the box and they will challenge other team members to adopt this style of thinking, as well.

Creating Value

If you are a manager, chances are you simply count value instead of creating it. But, what exactly does this mean? Managers, unlike leaders, count value and can even reduce it when disabling someone who certainly adds value to your organization. A manager may ask for constant updates or set strict deadlines. Meanwhile, a leader will create value by giving a team member extra responsibility or a chance to lead by example. A key factor in leadership is enabling others. Enable others and you will undoubtedly inspire others along the way.

Office Workers

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Ego In The Workplace

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Leadership Training By Saletta Leadership, LLC

Michael Saletta is known as the “Master Facilitator” in guiding companies to drive their sales and business strategy.  He is the founder and CEO of Saletta Leadership, LLC and Leadership Partners, LLC, consulting companies dedicated to developing leaders, growing sales, and aligning team performance. Change your business by contacting Saletta Leadership today!

Ego In The Workplace
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Ego In The Workplace

Ego In The Workplace

Ego gets in the way of progress, creativity and growth.

I am not talking about confidence – I am referring to the person that operates with an inflated opinion of oneself; and the person that deep down masks their fears with thoughts of “I know best”, “don’t tell me”, or “everyone else is wrong”.

This attitude destroys trust, undermines culture, and stifles progress.

High Ego

Over the years I have coached and trained hundreds of executives that lack the necessary self-awareness of ego.  Many cross their arms, lift their chin, and send the message, “go ahead, see if you can teach me…” These same executives criticize their own employees for not wanting to change.  So who’s to blame? The executive or the employee?

Surprisingly, our brains are largely to blame. We are wired with a mindset that both safeguards and reinforces our Status. Status refers to the relative importance of ourselves as compared to others.

Everyone’s brain is designed to protect our own well being, while simultaneously responding to the reward of feeling more important than others.

Keeping Your Ego In Check

Dr. David Rock, co-founder of the NeuroLeadership Institute, coined the term SCARF (Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, Fairness) to illustrate the drivers of social behavior.   Status can be activated by giving someone feedback – ‘feedback for improvement’ stimulates an individual’s threat response, and ‘positive feedback’ stimulates a person’s reward response.

Becoming aware that we are all predisposed to react to Status influences is the first step in keeping our egos in check.  Every time ego leads the way, it adversely impacts one’s ability to learn new skills, share information, enhance team collaboration, and accept feedback.

Make a conscious effort to check your ego at the door. Change depends on it.

Communication Is Key
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Communication Is Key

Communication Is Key

Imagine a football team attempting to score a touchdown blindfolded.  Or driving from L.A. to N.Y. with no map, compass, or GPS.  You may eventually end up in the right place… but not without added chaos and inefficiency.

I dare you to ask 10 people in your business what your company’s top goals and business priorities are.  You will most likely get 10 different answers.

Now ask several individuals, what your company’s core strategy is.  I’m sure most will look dazed and confused.  So how can you expect high performance when everyone is unclear of the goals and clueless about strategy?  Well frankly, you can’t!

Effective Communication

It’s common practice for management to point the finger at an employee, or even an entire department, for not communicating.  It’s also tempting to scold team members for their lack of accountability.  Step back. Take a look at the big picture. Where must communication and accountability begin?

Whether you have 2 employees or 10,000… you must start with providing the fundamental direction of your business.  You can help employees prioritize their time, execute their roles, and follow through on responsibilities, by providing the “what’s, how’s and why’s” of business.  Take the time to ensure everyone is aware of, and aligned with, your company’s goals.   Define your business strategy and give all team members a clear map to follow.  The truth is, a clear, focused direction will profoundly impact performance. Good leadership begins with opening everyone’s eyes.

Saletta Leadership, LLC

Michael Saletta is known as the “Master Facilitator” in guiding companies to drive their sales and business strategy.  He is the founder and CEO of Saletta Leadership, LLC and Leadership Partners, LLC, consulting companies dedicated to developing leaders, growing sales, and aligning team performance. Change your business by contacting Saletta Leadership today!

Definition Of Leadership
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Definition Of Leadership

Definition Of Leadership

Before we begin down this rabbit hole, let’s look at why we define things in the first place.

We define words to help create a common understanding of their meaning so we can apply the definition in our language and in our life.  With the word ‘LEADERSHIP’ – we must find the rightmeaning, so we can shape our language and our lives.  If ‘leadership’ is defined poorly or even limited in scope, then few of us apply its power to our own lives.

What Is The Definition Of Leadership?

When defined poorly, we use ‘leadership’ to describe anyone who has followers regardless of his or her direction.  When the direction is wrong, as is the case with ineffective politicians or inhumane dictators, then ‘leadership’ loses its power in the definition, and in its application.

When ‘leadership’ is defined with a limited scope, as it is used to define a person’s position and title, i.e. CEO, President, Director, and Manager; then once again we miss out on a huge opportunity to use the value of leadership at all levels in an organization. Not only that, a title or position in no way implies you have earned the right to be viewed as a leader.

What Is Your Definition Of Leadership?

Consider my definition:  “Leadership is the responsibility to positively influence self, others, and outcomes.”

Let’s break it down…

  • “Leadership is a responsibility” – Leadership begins by owning your choices and decisions.  Stop looking outside of yourself to ‘find’ the leader; instead look inside to your inner compass.
  • “to positively influence” – Leadership needs to guide and direct people in the ‘right’ direction, and therefore leaders must always consider the impact of their actions.
  • “self” – Your choices, habits, goals, purpose, and direction determine how you live your own life.  Every thought, action, and inaction establishes “self- leadership.”
  • “others” – Your impact on others is inevitable, and the more conscious you are of your intentional and unintentional impact, the better leader you will become.
  • “and outcomes.” – Leaders produce results, achieve goals, improve situations, and drive change.  Consider how your leadership will influence the outcome.

This simple and direct definition provides a much-needed focus to define the essence of ‘leadership’. 

Saletta Leadership, LLC

Michael Saletta is known as the “Master Facilitator” in guiding companies to drive their sales and business strategy.  He is the founder and CEO of Saletta Leadership, LLC and Leadership Partners, LLC, consulting companies dedicated to developing leaders, growing sales, and aligning team performance. Change your business by contacting Saletta Leadership today!

Evaluation Of Business
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Evaluation Of Business

Evaluation Of Business

The word interrogate conjures images of windowless rooms with two way mirrors, detectives playing good cop/bad cop, or prosecutors tricking the guilty into expressing too much emotion on the stand.  The approach can be strong and attacking, or empathetic and reassuring. Regardless, interrogations have one thing in common- a relentless pursuit of the truth. Each answer leads to a new question, a new path to follow in order to uncover solid facts.

The goal of this blog is not to pound on business. Instead, I want to help you closely examine all aspects of your business.  My objective is to dig deeper and ask the tough questions.

What are the important questions that you should ask of your own organization?  Together we will examine what makes business tick including:

  • What makes certain employees give their heart, body and soul to the company’s mission
  • How to determine the underlying problems with accountability
  • What lies at the root of morale issues that frequently get ignored
  • What resides inside the mind of your most loyal customers

I will explore my curiosity for human performance and investigate the limitless dynamics of leadership, sales and strategy.

Together, let’s “Interrogate Business” in search for the truth.

What tough questions do you need to ask of your business?  Share your thoughts and questions in the comments or email me and I will include your thoughts in future posts. 

Saletta Leadership, LLC

Michael Saletta is known as the “Master Facilitator” in guiding companies to drive their sales and business strategy.  He is the founder and CEO of Saletta Leadership, LLC and Leadership Partners, LLC, consulting companies dedicated to developing leaders, growing sales, and aligning team performance. Change your business by contacting Saletta Leadership today!

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