Leadership Skills For Business Managers
Written by Brian B

Leadership Skills For Business Managers

Leadership Skills For Business Managers

At all levels of business, bosses and managers can benefit from leadership training seminars. Learn to grow and excel as the leader within your company or small community. Improved leadership skills will only prove beneficial in the long run. Here are a few leadership skills that business managers need in the workplace.

Necessary Leadership Skills

  • Commitment
  • Inspiration
  • Communication Skills
  • Optimism
  • Influence


Managers or bosses simply in their current roles to move on and up in a short period of time will do little to inspire the confidence of their employees. Great leaders stick around for the long term, through good times and bad. Commitment never goes unnoticed by fellow employees or workers. Good managers are committed to making their current role as meaningful as possible. By committing time and effort over a long period of time, good leaders are demonstrating their worth simply by their body of work.


Explaining a task or goal to your team, then just leaving it up to them is okay, but there is certainly a better way to get your team excited on the job. A good leader will leave no doubt that you understand the objectives set in place. Walk your team through a project step-by-step, fielding any questions along the way. Passion is a building block towards success, and passion can definitely become contagious when the right culture is developed.

Communication Skills

All of these tips and skills are rendered moot if the manager is not a good communicator. Good communication skills are possibly the first attribute a good leader must acquire. Knowing how to speak with employees of all different levels and needs is crucial for success. Goals and objectives are the easy parts. Effectively guiding your employees to the goals is where the real work begins.


Optimism can go right alongside inspiration. So, what makes the two characteristics different? Unfortunately, in today’s business climate optimism is declining. During the course of a pandemic and struggling economy, staying optimistic can be tough. But, that’s the job of a manager! A good leader must lead by example. Staying optimistic is more important than ever. Providing optimism with many employees working from home is a task all managers should invest time in.


Bosses command and leaders influence is a common belief. Many believe a leader’s authority stems directly from his or her ability to influence others. A boss offers rules, while a leader encourages workers to think for themselves and utilized creativity when possible. Good leaders tend to grow their influence by practicing encouragement, optimism, and of course, honing some exceptional communication skills.

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Saletta Leadership, LLC

Michael Saletta is known as the “Master Facilitator” in guiding companies to drive their sales and business strategy.  He is the founder and CEO of Saletta Leadership, LLC and Leadership Partners, LLC, consulting companies dedicated to developing leaders, growing sales, and aligning team performance. Change your business by contacting Saletta Leadership today!

Definition Of Leadership
Written by webtechs

Definition Of Leadership

Definition Of Leadership

Before we begin down this rabbit hole, let’s look at why we define things in the first place.

We define words to help create a common understanding of their meaning so we can apply the definition in our language and in our life.  With the word ‘LEADERSHIP’ – we must find the rightmeaning, so we can shape our language and our lives.  If ‘leadership’ is defined poorly or even limited in scope, then few of us apply its power to our own lives.

What Is The Definition Of Leadership?

When defined poorly, we use ‘leadership’ to describe anyone who has followers regardless of his or her direction.  When the direction is wrong, as is the case with ineffective politicians or inhumane dictators, then ‘leadership’ loses its power in the definition, and in its application.

When ‘leadership’ is defined with a limited scope, as it is used to define a person’s position and title, i.e. CEO, President, Director, and Manager; then once again we miss out on a huge opportunity to use the value of leadership at all levels in an organization. Not only that, a title or position in no way implies you have earned the right to be viewed as a leader.

What Is Your Definition Of Leadership?

Consider my definition:  “Leadership is the responsibility to positively influence self, others, and outcomes.”

Let’s break it down…

  • “Leadership is a responsibility” – Leadership begins by owning your choices and decisions.  Stop looking outside of yourself to ‘find’ the leader; instead look inside to your inner compass.
  • “to positively influence” – Leadership needs to guide and direct people in the ‘right’ direction, and therefore leaders must always consider the impact of their actions.
  • “self” – Your choices, habits, goals, purpose, and direction determine how you live your own life.  Every thought, action, and inaction establishes “self- leadership.”
  • “others” – Your impact on others is inevitable, and the more conscious you are of your intentional and unintentional impact, the better leader you will become.
  • “and outcomes.” – Leaders produce results, achieve goals, improve situations, and drive change.  Consider how your leadership will influence the outcome.

This simple and direct definition provides a much-needed focus to define the essence of ‘leadership’. 

Saletta Leadership, LLC

Michael Saletta is known as the “Master Facilitator” in guiding companies to drive their sales and business strategy.  He is the founder and CEO of Saletta Leadership, LLC and Leadership Partners, LLC, consulting companies dedicated to developing leaders, growing sales, and aligning team performance. Change your business by contacting Saletta Leadership today!

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